Wednesday, November 18, 2015

It's been a while...

I haven't blogged since getting pregnant, having a baby, selling our house, building a house, Adam getting a new job and I got a new job. Wow, no wonder I haven't blogged in 3 years, ha! I don't even know where to begin. Our lives have been a whirlwind since getting pregnant with our sweet baby, Culley Ann. Naturally, I'll start there.

July 2013

On a typical Sunday morning, I was getting dressed for church (running late, of course) and Adam was already dressed and cooking us breakfast. I ran through the kitchen trying to get to the laundry room to find something to wear. I mentioned to Adam that I was feeling nauseous. He casually said, "Maybe you're pregnant." *Sidenote: I had not had my period since May (it was July), but this wasn't unusual with PCOS.* I shrugged his comment off at first, but then I started thinking and thought I might as well take a pregnancy test. I took one, then two, three, and finally a fourth one. They all confirmed it...I was FINALLY pregnant after years and years of negative tests. It was the two lines I'd been waiting to see for as long as I can remember!

I'd always planned on telling Adam in some creative, sweet, loving, and memorable way. That DID NOT happen. I walked into the kitchen (white as a ghost, I later found out) and showed him the test tests I had taken. He hugged my neck and we both cried like big ol' babies right there in the same kitchen we got engaged in.

We went to church and I couldn't tell you a thing the preacher preached on that day. All I remember is thinking, "There is a baby in my stomach. There is...a baby in my stomach. There is a my stomach." I couldn't get over the fact that after years of continual prayer, God had finally blessed us with a child. Of course, I always knew it'd be in His timing if that is what He had planned for Adam and me, but I will admit I doubted Him when I knew I shouldn't have. Silly me.

I called my OBGYN as soon as they opened Monday morning. They made me an appointment for Wednesday. Adam wanted me to wait to tell anyone in case something was wrong or I wasn't far enough along yet. I couldn't. I had to tell my parents. *Sidenote: My mom has told me for years she wanted to find out I was pregnant by getting balloons and flowers.* My mom was out of town, so on Tuesday, I called a flower shop in Columbus, GA and talked to a lady I didn't know at all. She and I cried together as I told her that I wanted to send my momma balloons and flowers with a note that read, "Baby Carnes and I will see you on Friday."

I was getting my nails done when my momma called me with tears of joy. She was so excited and couldn't wait to get home to see us! That same afternoon, I loaded up our dog with her t-shirt on that read "Big Sister" and we went to see my daddy. When Piper jumped out of the back of my truck, he read the t-shirt and looked up at me with big crocodile tears in his eyes. He was equally as excited to be a granddaddy as my momma was to be a Pitty-Pat.

On Wednesday, Adam and I went to the OBGYN. We found out I was 9 weeks pregnant with a healthy baby. Adam called his aunt on the way home and told her. She was ecstatic. We then went to his parents house and told them we were adding on to our family by 2 feet. Everyone was so excited!