Okay, tonight I'm a little sad. Okay, A LOT sad! My husband, my best friend, and the love of my life is hurting. Yes, physically hurting. He's at the Mississippi State Fire Academy in the infamous Smoke Diver class. I'm not writing this for anyone to feel sorry for Adam. After all, he chose to go to this torturous class. I'm writing this because I've never had this feeling. In the 2 years we've been married, I've never had this heart wrenching feeling . Let me tell you...it's ZERO fun! Being so far away with no way of taking the pain away from him is terrible, awful, and extraordinarily painful for me! Props to Army wives--I have no idea how you do this for a year or more! My heart is 3 hours South, but my body and tears are here in Pontotoc and tomorrow, they'll be in Hickory Flat--my poor kiddos :(
For those of you that don't have the privilege of knowing Adam Carnes, let me tell you a little about him. He's the most soft-hearted guy you'll ever meet. He'd give his last cent and the shirt off his back to someone he thought needed it more than him. He works so hard to provide for the family we are building together. He was born a firefighter. He lives and breathes to fight fires. Next to God and our family, it's the most important thing in his life. He thrives on being a 3rd generation firefighter and he loves to imagine our child being a 4th generation firefighter (Umm, not this future Mommy!). If you earned Smoke Diver by being a "good ole boy", then hands down, he'd have it! Unfortunately, that's not how it works.
Usually, Adam is the positive in our relationship and I'm the "Negative Nancy"; however, tonight he was so down on himself. It was disheartening for me. I just wanted to crawl through the phone and put my arms around his neck like never before! If he had half the faith in himself as I have in him, then let me tell you, he'd be running through those horrible evolutions. So, I wrote all this to ask this...Tonight, when you're saying your prayers, please include Adam (and Jeremy). Pray they can give their pain to God and just do what they do best...fight fires. Pray God gives them the strength they need to get through 72 more hours at MSFA! Most of all, pray they give all the glory to God because without Him, they wouldn't be where they are today!