Monday, August 20, 2012

Monday Madness

Today was another Monday. I'm still loving my job, loving my kids, and loving my school; however, why am I always soooooooo exhausted on Monday afternoons? I am seriously considering going to bed at 7:30, ha! The only reason I'm not is because Piper is looking at me like I'm crazy for getting in the bed when it's still light outside!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

First Day of School

Well, tomorrow is the day. The day I've been waiting on my entire life. I will finally be able to begin the career I've always wanted to do. I can't wait to meet my kids and get to know them. I know there will be challenges, but I am so ready to learn! I just hope they're as ready to learn as I am, ha!

These are the only good classroom pictures I have. I tried not making it too elementary, but fun at the same time!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

What a Starr

I’m a Daddy’s girl, plain and simple; however, my sweet momma is my best friend. Though I may not act like it at times, she is one of the only people in the whole world that can comfort me no matter what. She has supported me in everything I have ever tried, whether I failed or succeeded. I can call her at any time of the day and know that she will be there.

I often take her for granted when I should be thanking the Lord for allowing me to have such an amazing mother. She sacrifices daily to provide me with everything I need or want. Without her, I would not be starting my life-long dream of teaching tomorrow. She has inspired me to become the best teacher and mentor to my students that I can be. If I can make a difference in half as many students lives as she has, I'll be doing good.

I love you Momma!